Immersed in the cinematic world of “Amrit Singh Chamkila” on Netflix, a cascade of artistry unfolded before me, evoking memories of the enchanting narratives in “Rockstar,” the poignant beats of “Tick, Tick… Boom!”, and the captivating legends like John Lennon, Guru Dutt, Freddie Mercury, Aretha Franklin, and the enigmatic brushstrokes of Vincent van Gogh. As the film weaved its tale, murmurs of the critiques faced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s “Bajirao Mastani” echoed, questioning the age-old dictum: “Vox Populi, Vox Dei: the voice of the people (is) the voice of God.” The conundrum arose – who truly delineates the boundaries of right and wrong?
Contemplating the evolution of societal standards, my mind wandered to the once-controversial yet iconic track “Choli ke peeche kya hai,” prompting reflections on modern perspectives toward its portrayal. Amidst warnings against artistic expression and the clamors of fans and viewers, a profound dilemma emerged within the intricate fabric of existence.
Enthralled by the compelling performances of Diljit Dosanjh, Parineeti Chopra, and Anjum Batra, the film resonated with the sheer brilliance synonymous with Imtiaz Ali’s storytelling. A masterful portrayal prompting introspection, I offer it 3.5 out of 5 stars—a must-watch movie.